About Me

Neal Hughes is a Singer & Songwriter from Northern Ireland. Currently Recording his Debut Album 'Man Called Horse' under the name 'Little Boy'. He has played and toured with 'Driving By Night' and 'Tyler'

Tuesday 28 August 2012

from the wilderness of the hill of south tyrone and the cutting of turf and cod and salad dinners, the outside world lingers , news from new york  in the form of a response by producer steve lillywhite to that  4 4 petty inspired song of mine burn down love. Im wondering what he had for breakfast while he listens to me disect a relationship for all its bitter and petty ends . For me its south parade and tea out of enamle cupps , were's the baked beans and the butter , and who has been eating my bread. ps outside world , littleboy plays his first belfast show in some time this thursday the 30th of August.